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October 17, 2022

Breitbart: Exclusive — Poll Shows Blake Masters Has Closed Gap with Democrat Mark Kelly in Arizona

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The polling conducted by OnMessage Inc., on behalf of Sentinel Action Fund, the super PAC affiliated with Heritage Action, the political arm of the prominent conservative think tank Heritage Foundation, showed Masters has been gaining momentum and is within the margin of error of Kelly after a spending blitz to the help the Republicans.

Ultimately, in just one month, with less than a month left before the election, Kelly went from plus ten on the September poll to Kelly being only plus three on the October poll. 

"The political environment in Arizona definitely favors Masters. A sizable majority of AZ voters want to vote Republican, but this isn’t a layup. We still have to wage a rigorous campaign," OnMessage pollster Wes Anderson told Breitbart News. "If Republican groups come to Masters’ aid, he is very likely to be the next senator from the state of Arizona. If not, we could see a heartbreakingly close loss on election night."

Over the last month, Sentinel Action Fund has spent $6.5 million on television ads in the Grand Canyon State, focusing on Kelly’s record of support for extreme, leftist policies. Of course, this follows the spending cuts in the state by the Senate Leadership Fund (SLF), the super PAC aligned with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

“Every day, Blake Masters is successfully exposing Senator Kelly’s extreme positions on the border, crime, and inflation. The debate showed voters that Sen Kelly is not afraid to lie about his lack of action on the border,” President of the Sentinel Action Fund Jessica Anderson told Breitbart News.

“Blake Masters has the momentum to finish this race and to win. Our polling confirms what we hear from the ground — that the gap is closing, and Arizonans want a change. We are proud to be in this fight with Blake and look forward to celebrating his win as a Senator soon,” the Sentinel Action Fund president added.