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November 1, 2022

Daily Caller: EXCLUSIVE: Sentinel Action Fund To Hammer Democrats On Energy Prices In New Hampshire

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The Sentinel Action Fund, a conservative Super PAC aligned with Heritage Action, will release a new ad later Tuesday highlighting increasing energy prices during Joe Biden’s presidency.

The ad, titled “Vote Your Thermostat,” will run through Election Day in New Hampshire, where Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan is locked in a tight race with Republican Don Bolduc. Democrats boosted Bolduc in the Republican primary out of a belief he would be an easier candidate to defeat, but two recent polls have shown the two candidates running within the margin of error.

“Stuck on your Senate vote? Vote your thermostat,” the narrator says. “When Joe Biden won, home heating oil was two bucks a gallon. Today, five bucks. How? Biden and Maggie Hassan declared war on energy. Hassan voted three times against fracking, two times against tapping reserves. Hassan and Biden killed pipelines. He pressured banks to cut energy financing. You paid the price. The only way to stop Joe Biden is to give Maggie Hassan the cold shoulder.”

Sentinel is spending $1 million on the ad, Politico reported, and previously announced a $900,000 ad buy in the state. Overall, the Super PAC has spent nearly $11.4 million in the 2022 midterms, according to its most recent Federal Election Commission filings.