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Press Releases

June 24, 2024

Left-Wing Super PAC “Pennsylvania Values” Runs Blatant Election Interference Campaign in PA

WASHINGTON – The Sentinel Action Fund, Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC), and Keystone Renewal PAC responded to a new ad buy from a Left-wing super PAC, “Pennsylvania Values,” discouraging voters from utilizing early voting in Pennsylvania.

Sentinel Action Fund President Jessica Anderson, RSLC PAC President Dee Duncan, and Keystone Renewal PAC Spokesman Kaelan Dorr released the following joint statement:

“Pennsylvania Values is a Left-wing super PAC dedicated to silencing conservative voices and keeping Republican voters home, no matter the tactics. To use the Left’s terminology, this new ad buy is “disinformation,” completely mischaracterizing conservatives’ views of early voting.  Pennsylvania Values is forecasting the dirty tricks the Left is willing to use to win in November.

President Trump and Republicans across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have fully embraced mail-in voting, as seen both from the Republican National Committee’s “Swamp the Vote” campaign and the largest ever vote-by-mail initiative launched by the Sentinel Action Fund, RSLC, and Keystone Renewal PAC earlier this year.

Make no mistake: this kind of blatant election interference only reinforces the importance of our work to use all legal tools and tactics to close the early voting gap and elect conservative leaders to office in Pennsylvania. 

President Biden and Senator Bob Casey understand they can’t win on the policy issues, so Pennsylvania Values is trying to keep conservative voters home and kneecap our efforts to help voters engage early to kick Biden, Casey, and Democrats down the ballot out of office. It will not work.”