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October 4, 2022

NEW: $1 Million AZ Senate Ad Buy Confirms Mark Kelly’s Refusal to Secure the Border

WASHINGTON — Today, the Sentinel Action Fund (SAF), an independent conservative Super PAC and partner organization of Heritage Action for America, announced it is expanding its investment in Arizona with a new $1 million ad buy for the Arizona Senate race. The ad features Mark Morgan, former Border Patrol director under President Obama and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner under President Trump, who exposes Senator Mark Kelly’s record of opposing border security. The new spend adds to SAF’s previously announced $5 million commitment in independent outside spending in Arizona.

Jessica Anderson, President of Sentinel Action Fund, made the following statement:

"Senator Mark Kelly has consistently enabled President Biden’s agenda to weaken our borders and make our nation less secure. His voting record shows a pattern of dishonesty and weakness as he has voted against funding for additional Border Patrol agents, against drug detection equipment, and against codifying Title 42. Under Senator Kelly and President Biden, our border has been overrun by illegal aliens, and Arizona families and businesses are shouldering the burden.

Our Border Patrol agents lay it on the line every day, and they know that Senator Kelly doesn’t have their back – Arizonans deserve to know as well. Unlike Kelly, Washington outsider Blake Masters will stand up to Biden and Congressional Democrats and secure the border. He will deliver results, not just empty rhetoric, for the people of Arizona. That’s why we are doubling down on our commitment in this race: Arizona deserves a change."

The ad is running on broadcast television and streaming platforms statewide, beginning Sunday October 2.

Excerpt from the 30-second ad:

Mark Morgan, former CBP commissioner: "Our border is a disaster. I ran the Border Patrol for President Obama, and ran Border Protection for President Trump. Today, the cartels call the shots. Joe Biden’s weakness threatens Arizona, and Mark Kelly is his enabler. . . . That’s why the Border Patrol Council endorsed Blake Masters: Blake will secure the border – Mark Kelly won’t."

View the ad:


  • The Sentinel Action Fund is an independent Super PAC affiliated with Heritage Action for America, a conservative grassroots organization.
  • On September 12, SAF announced its endorsement of Blake Masters for Senate and its plans to spend at least $5 million in independent expenditures in the Arizona Senate race.
  • Sentinel Action Fund previously announced seven-figure commitments in Georgia and Nevada for Senate and House races, and at least $1 million across four House races, all for general elections.
  • Sentinel Action Fund’s first ad buy targeted Arizona swing voters, highlighting the problems facing American families today and Senator Kelly’s support for the failed Biden agenda.
  • SAF previously ran a $400,000 ad targeting Mark Kelly’s record on gas prices in July in Tucson, AZ.