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Press Releases

July 13, 2022

$400,000 Ad Slams Mark Kelly for Aiding Biden’s Gas-Price Disaster

WASHINGTON —Today, the Sentinel Action Fund, an independent conservative Super PAC and partner organization of Heritage Action for America, announced its first campaign ad of the 2022 cycle. The TV spot highlights Sen. Mark Kelly’s disastrous record of backing Biden’s war on American energy and approving his pro-inflation nominees.

Jessica Anderson, President of Sentinel Action Fund, made the following statement:

Senator Mark Kelly has supported President Biden’s disastrous war on energy at every turn, voting for his nominees to lead the Energy, Commerce, EPA, and Interior departments – the exact people destroying America’s energy industry and raising gas prices for hardworking Arizonans. He also supported the Biden administration’s work to reduce financing for traditional fuel sources and his campaign to shut down new drilling in America, while voting with Biden over 97% of the time.

As a result, Arizonans are paying some of the highest gas prices in the country. If Senator Kelly is re-elected, Arizonans will continue to feel the pain of the Biden agenda. The Grand Canyon state deserves better.

The spot will run on broadcast television in Tucson July 13-26 with a total spend of $400,000. Tucson voters are largely middle-class and working-class, meaning inflation has hit them particularly hard. Per capita income in the city was just $48,373 as of 2020, compared with $61,674 across all metro areas. Gas prices reached $5 and diesel reached $6 in June in the area, while the Phoenix metro has seen the second-highest inflation rate in the nation at 12.3%, forcing the average household to spend nearly $6,000 extra in 2021 and 2022.

Excerpt from the 30-second video:

November 2020: gas, $2 a gallon. Joe Biden and Mark Kelly get elected. Their first actions? Put environmental radicals in every job affecting energy. . . . This summer? $5 a gallon. . . . You’re out of gas, and Mark Kelly should be out of office.


  • Mark Kelly voted for Jennifer Granholm for Secretary of Energy, Michael Regan as Administrator of the EPA, Gina Raimondo for Secretary of Commerce, and Debra Haaland as Secretary of the Interior.
  • Sentinel Action Fund previously announced seven-figure commitments in Georgia and Nevada for Senate and House races, and at least $1 million across four House races, all for general elections.
  • The ad buy is Sentinel Action Fund’s first activity in 2022 for the general election for Arizona’s Senate seat.