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September 20, 2022

NEW: AZ Senate Ad Buy Targets Swing Voters: "Mark Kelly Makes it Worse"

WASHINGTON — Today, the Sentinel Action Fund (SAF), an independent conservative Super PAC and partner organization of Heritage Action for America, launched a new campaign ad for the Arizona Senate race. The ad speaks to independent and swing voters who are unhappy with the direction our country is headed and exposes Sen. Mark Kelly’s record of supporting President Biden’s disastrous policies on the border, violent crime, IRS expansion, and more. The $2 million ad buy is the first ad of $4 million SAF has reserved in airtime through October 2.

Jessica Anderson, President of Sentinel Action Fund, made the following statement:

"Senator Mark Kelly has stood by and allowed President Biden and his Left-wing allies to drown our country in their failed extreme policy agenda. Under this radical agenda, hard-working Arizona families of all political persuasions may become targets of a nearly doubled IRS, are being denied the right to speak up in schools about their own kids' education, and violent criminals and illegal immigrants are being set free.

While Senator Kelly tries to hide his partisan record, every Arizonan deserves to know that he is a far-left Washington Democrat beholden to the Biden agenda. They deserve to know that Kelly has supported, through his own actions and inactions, the lawless D.C. agenda and made it harder for working families to feel safe in their homes and secure in their paychecks.

Sentinel Action Fund is standing up for Blake Masters in his race to unseat Kelly – we know that the people of Arizona are ready for change in Washington, and we know this is a winnable race."

The ad will run on broadcast television and streaming platforms statewide from September 19 through September 25. SAF previously announced a total commitment of $5 million in outside spending for the race, including both ads and voter outreach.

Excerpt from the 30-second ad:

"Biden surrendered the border. Parents contradicted in their schools. Violent criminals released early. Doubling the size of the IRS. . . . Mark Kelly is going along with all of it. Mark Kelly makes it worse."

View the ad:


  • The Sentinel Action Fund is an independent Super PAC affiliated with Heritage Action for America, a conservative grassroots organization.
  • On September 12, SAF announced its endorsement of Blake Masters for Senate and its plans to spend $5 million in independent expenditures in the Arizona Senate race.
  • Sentinel Action Fund previously announced seven-figure commitments in Georgia and Nevada for Senate and House races, and at least $1 million across four House races, all for general elections.
  • SAF previously ran a $400,000 ad targeting Mark Kelly’s record on gas prices in July in Tucson, AZ.