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June 16, 2022

Real Clear Politics: Heritage Action Super PAC Endorses Laxalt, Pledges $1M for Nevada Races

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The three Republicans are Adam Laxalt, who is running for Senate, and Sam Peters and April Becker, who are running for the House. The money will come from the Sentinel Action Fund, a partner organization of Heritage Action.

“All three candidates are serious conservative fighters who will take the fight to D.C. and work tirelessly to champion the American people on all issues that matter to Americans,” Jessica Anderson, president of the Sentinel Action Fund, said in a statement to RCP.

Most of the money will be directed toward voter outreach, not just ad buys: door knocking, phone calls, and text messages – all the normal avenues of modern political campaigns. But the infusion of cash also signals something else.

Democrats control the Senate by a single vote, making Republicans ecstatic about their chances at retaking that upper chamber. Conservatives are no different, and Anderson told RCP that they see Nevada specifically “as an actual sleeper pickup opportunity.”

“The state was hit hard by the Left’s COVID lockdowns, and they have seen the highest inflation rates in the country, thanks to Democrats’ spending firehose in Congress,” she added. “The state also has a large Hispanic population that is embracing conservative policies, which we believe will make the state a conservative stronghold in years to come. We are excited for the future of Nevada and the future of the country.”

“Americans are tired of seeing the same career politicians in D.C. failing them year after year. They’re tired of seeing Biden and his Left-wing allies in Congress replay the Jimmy Carter years. Americans are tired of skyrocketing inflation, foreign policy failures, and anarchy in their streets. Americans are tired of the Swamp putting their interests last – they’re ready for a change, and they’re ready for candidates who will restore American greatness,” Anderson concluded.