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October 14, 2022

Sentinel Action Fund Announces $700,000 Ad Buy for Yvette Herrell in NM-02 House Race

WASHINGTON — Today, the Sentinel Action Fund (SAF), an independent conservative Super PAC and partner organization of Heritage Action for America, announced it is spending $700,000 to launch two new TV ads in the NM-02 House race. The ads feature comments from Gabe Vasquez, Rep. Herrell’s Democratic opponent, admitting that he supports efforts to shut down all energy production and defunding the police.

Jessica Anderson, President of the Sentinel Action Fund, made the following statement:

"Gabe Vasquez is a fringe Left-wing activist who’s wrong for New Mexico. Instead of fighting to protect New Mexico’s 130,000 oil and gas jobs, Vasquez said he wants to "shut it all down" for clean energy infrastructure. Instead of backing the blue, Vasquez used a fake name to support defunding the police. Instead of fighting for New Mexico’s families, Vasquez would be a reliable foot soldier for far-Left Democrats in Congress.

Yvette Herrell is the obvious choice in this race. She will continue fighting for New Mexico’s families, oil and gas workers, and police, and she will be a strong check on the Biden Administration’s disastrous policies. The Sentinel Action Fund is proud to support her candidacy."

The first TV ad, which will focus on energy issues, will run on broadcast television in the Albuquerque market October 14-27. The second ad, on police issues, will run in the El Paso Market October 18-31. The ad spend is part of SAF’s previously announced $1 million commitment across several House races.

Excerpt from the first ad:

"Would Gabe Vasquez shut down oil and gas jobs? Ask Gabe Vasquez: ‘A lot of folks in the environmental community would say, shut it all down, let’s just get rid of it immediately. And I agree with that, because as a planet we need to move in that direction.’"

View the ad:


  • The Sentinel Action Fund is an independent Super PAC affiliated with Heritage Action for America, a conservative grassroots organization.
  • Sentinel Action Fund previously announced at least $1 million across four House races, all for general elections, which this spending is part of.