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Press Releases

June 14, 2022

Sentinel Action Fund Endorses First Round of House Candidates; Announces Minimum $1 Million in Independent Spending

Today, the Sentinel Action Fund, an independent conservative Super PAC and partner organization of Heritage Action for America, announced its first round of endorsements championing conservative leaders for the U.S. House of Representatives: Rep. Yvette Herrell for NM-02, Rep. Steve Chabot for OH-01, Monica de la Cruz Hernandez for TX-15, and Cassy Garcia for TX-28.

In addition to its endorsement, SAF will be committing seven figures (at least $1 million) in independent spending across the four races in the form of on-the-ground voter outreach and television ad buys supporting its endorsed conservative candidates in their general elections. Jessica Anderson, president of the Sentinel Action Fund, said:

“Americans need real leadership. Leadership that will put American values first and address the many challenges brought on by the Biden Administration and their congressional allies – inflation, violent crime, the border crisis, and the erosion of our American institutions by the Left’s dangerous, socialist agenda.
Congressional incumbents Rep. Chabot and Rep. Herrell bring proven conservative experience in Congress, while Garcia and Hernandez will bring fresh energy to the fight – that’s the one-two punch we need to win for the American people. These candidates will be a powerful force to restore American greatness. We’re proud to endorse their candidacies.”

SAF will independently spend at least $1 million in support of the general election for the races, primarily on voter outreach through a state-of-the-art ground game. SAF will work to turn out hundreds of thousands of voters through door-knocking, phone calls, and text messages from both full-time field staff and an expansive volunteer network. SAF will also use these 2022 efforts to build a long-term infrastructure on the ground to help ensure conservative victories for years to come.