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Press Releases

October 11, 2022

Sentinel Action Fund Invests $2 Million More in AZ Senate Race

WASHINGTON — Today, the Sentinel Action Fund (SAF), an independent conservative Super PAC and partner organization of Heritage Action for America, announced it is spending $1.5 million on a new TV ad for the Arizona Senate race and $500,000 on mail pieces. The new spending brings SAF’s total spending in the race to $8 million in independent outside spending to support Blake Masters.

Jessica Anderson, President of Sentinel Action Fund, made the following statement:

“Blake Masters will fight for Arizonans where Senator Kelly has failed them. He is the right choice for the state, and the momentum is clearly on his side heading into the final weeks of the race. On the debate stage, Masters exposed Senator Kelly’s failure on the border in a devastating manner, and Senator Kelly was unable to defend his record to the people of Arizona, resorting to lies and misdirection.

That’s why Sentinel Action Fund is doubling down on our commitment to the state. This week’s ad will bring us to $8 million of total spending in the state, our largest expenditure of the 2022 cycle. Senator Kelly had his chance – Arizona is ready for a change.”

The TV ad will run on broadcast and cable television in the Phoenix market October 11-17. SAF will also launch a $500k direct mail package this week as part of its AZ commitment.

Excerpt from the 30-second ad:

"Kelly voted against more border patrol agents. Against drug detection equipment. . . Kelly votes with Joe Biden 94% of the time. Mark Kelly will not fix our border. He already had his chance."

View the ad:

View the mailers:

Mailer one

Mailer two


  • The Sentinel Action Fund is an independent Super PAC affiliated with Heritage Action for America, a conservative grassroots organization.
  • SAF previously ran a $400,000 ad targeting Mark Kelly’s record on gas prices in July in Tucson, AZ.
  • On September 12, SAF announced its endorsement of Blake Masters for Senate and its plans to spend at least $5 million in independent expenditures in the Arizona Senate race. SAF launched a $4 million ad buy as part of that commitment on September 20.
  • On October 4, SAF launched an additional $1 million in new ads on Kelly’s border failure.
  • Sentinel Action Fund previously announced seven-figure commitments in Georgia and Nevada for Senate and House races, and at least $1 million across four House races, all for general elections.