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October 14, 2022

Sentinel Action Fund Launches Six-Figure Ad Buy for Cassy Garcia in TX-28 House Race

WASHINGTON — Today, the Sentinel Action Fund (SAF), an independent conservative Super PAC and partner organization of Heritage Action for America, announced it is spending $216,000 on a new TV ad for Cassy Garcia in the TX-28 race, featuring National Border Patrol Council Brandon Judd applauding Garcia's border stance.

Jessica Anderson, President of the Sentinel Action Fund, made the following statement:

“Texans need to know that Cassy Garcia will fight for them and defend our border, and that Border Patrol agents stand behind her. Henry Cuellar has failed to hold Democrats accountable on their open-borders policies, and he has enabled their disastrous far-Left agenda time and time again. Crime is soaring, the border is overrun, basic goods are unaffordable, and Texans are fed up.

The Sentinel Action Fund is thrilled to stand behind Cassy Garcia’s historic candidacy. Henry Cuellar had his chance — it’s time for a new voice in Washington.”

The TV ad will run on broadcast television in the Laredo market October 14-22. The ad is part of SAF’s previously announced $1 million commitment across several House races.

Excerpt from the ad:

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd: “In two years, four million people have tried to cross the border. We’re overrun. . . . It’s Washington’s fault, and something has to change. That’s why the National Border Patrol Council is switching its endorsement. This time, we back Cassy Garcia. . . . Our agents need help in Washington, and that’s why they need Cassy Garcia.

View the ad:


  • The Sentinel Action Fund is an independent Super PAC affiliated with Heritage Action for America, a conservative grassroots organization.
  • Sentinel Action Fund previously announced at least $1 million across four House races, all for general elections, which this spending is part of.