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October 4, 2022

The Federalist: EXCLUSIVE: Heritage Action Super PAC Drops Seven-Figure Ad Buy In Arizona Senate Race As McConnell Abandons Blake Masters

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An independent super PAC aligned with Heritage Action for America, the political arm of the conservative Heritage Foundation, launched a seven-figure ad buy in the Arizona Senate race after GOP leadership pulled more spending from the key contest.

The 30-second ad features former Obama Border Patrol Director Mark Morgan highlighting Kelly’s embrace of open borders under President Joe Biden. Morgan served as acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection for President Donald Trump and is now a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation.

“Today, the cartels call the shots,” Morgan said. “Joe Biden’s weakness threatens Arizona, and Mark Kelly is his enabler.”

In the Sentinel Action Fund’s latest ad, Morgan hammered Kelly’s votes on immigration. Kelly rejected reinforcements at the border, opposed more equipment for drug detection, and voted to end Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy. Masters, on the other hand, has made border security a pivotal part of his platform, earning the endorsement of the National Border Patrol Council.

“Arizonans deserve to know the truth,” Jessica Anderson, the president of the Sentinel Action Fund, told The Federalist. “Senator Mark Kelly has a long track record of enabling President Biden’s failed border policies. He has failed to support Border Patrol and give our law enforcement the tools they need to end the waves of drugs and crime coming over the border into Arizona.”

In late September, McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund canceled nearly $10 million worth of planned television spending set to boost Masters.

“We know that this is absolutely a winnable race,” Anderson told The Federalist. “Sentinel Action Fund is going to keep investing and fighting through Election Day. Every part of the conservative coalition should join us and win this vitally important race.”