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Press Releases

September 12, 2022

The Sentinel Action Fund Announces $5 Million for Blake Masters in Independent Spending

WASHINGTON —Today, the Sentinel Action Fund, an independent conservative Super PAC and partner organization of Heritage Action for America, announced its endorsement of Blake Masters for Arizona’s U.S. Senate seat.

In addition to its endorsement, SAF is committing $5 million in independent spending in the form of on-the-ground voter outreach and television ad buys supporting Masters. Jessica Anderson, president of the Sentinel Action Fund, said:

"Blake Masters will always put America first and never stop fighting for the people of Arizona. We are thrilled to endorse his candidacy and announce a new $5 million commitment to help fight back against the radical Left’s agenda embodied by Senator Mark Kelly.

This is a critical time for our country that requires innovative solutions. Blake Masters represents a new generation of fighters with bold plans to take on Big Tech, secure the border, stop the rising crime wave, and save our paychecks. Masters understands the dire threat that the current Liberal regime represents to American families, and he will stand firm against anyone out of touch with the American people.

Senator Mark Kelly represents everything wrong with the America Last agenda of today’s Democratic party. He is soft on China, absent on the border, weak on crime and refuses to protect paychecks or cut taxes. Worse, he has refused to stand up to Biden’s campaign of economic ruin, open borders, and abortion on demand.

Arizona is the center of the fight for America’s soul. It is time for every corner of the conservative coalition to deploy every resource to win the Senate and show up to support our conservative candidates like Blake Masters. Sentinel Action Fund and its partner organization, Heritage Action, have deep roots in Arizona and are doubling our efforts to deliver a new Senate majority."

Sentinel Action Fund’s $5 million spend in Arizona represents its largest independent expenditure yet. The effort will spend $3.5 million on TV ads and $1.5 million on voter outreach through a state-of-the-art voter ground game. SAF will work to turn out hundreds of thousands of voters through door-knocking, phone calls, and text messages from both full-time field staff and an expansive volunteer network. SAF will also use these 2022 efforts to build a long-term infrastructure on the ground to help ensure conservative victories for years to come.


  • In July, Sentinel Action Fund ran a $400,000 ad campaign against Senator Mark Kelly, highlighting his record of support for President Biden’s disastrous energy policies.