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Press Releases

May 16, 2024

The Sentinel Action Fund Endorses Dave McCormick for Senate in PA

WASHINGTON – Today, the Sentinel Action Fund endorsed Dave McCormick for the U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania. This announcement marks the Sentinel Action Fund’s first endorsement for the 2024 cycle.

Jessica Anderson, President of the Sentinel Action Fund, released the following statement:

“The road to a Republican majority in the Senate goes through Pennsylvania, and Republican voters in the state have already made a great first step by nominating a compelling and principled candidate for Senate. Dave McCormick is a proven leader and will be a legislator for the people — a needed change from career politician Bob Casey.

For too long, Senator Bob Casey has put the Left’s activist agenda first, voting with Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer instead of supporting hardworking Pennsylvania families. This year, voters have an opportunity to make a change and send conservative champion Dave McCormick to fight Washington, rein in spending, and secure the border. 

While Republicans are winning on the issues with voters, we need to ensure we have the tools and tactics to drive turnout and win at the ballot box – all while we maintain our work for strong election integrity measures. The Sentinel Action Fund is excited to endorse Dave McCormick for the U.S. Senate and continue building on our early momentum to close the absentee ballot gap and help deliver a Republican victory this November.”