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October 11, 2022

Washington Examiner: Heritage Action super PAC drops $1.5 million on Masters in Arizona Senate race

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Sentinel Action Fund is spending $1.5 million to air a television spot critical of Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) in a bid to boost Republican challenger Blake Masters, who is trailing in the race. The super PAC has previously aired $5 million worth of ads against Kelly in Arizona. In this new spot, Sentinel Action Fund hammers the senator on immigration and his support for President Joe Biden’s agenda broadly.

Sentinel Action Fund has been among the more active conservative groups on Masters’s behalf in the Arizona Senate race, although others are beginning to get more involved. The hesitancy is a function of doubts about the Republican’s viability against Kelly. He has generally trailed the Democratic incumbent in the polls and underperformed in surveys compared to the GOP gubernatorial nominee, Kari Lake, despite a favorable political environment for the GOP.

Kelly leads Masters in the RealClearPolitics average 49% to 44.9%, a margin of 4.1 percentage points. Lake, a former television news anchor, leads Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, the Democratic nominee for governor, 48% to 46.9%.