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July 19, 2022

NEW: $300,000 Ad Buy Slams Maggie Hassan’s Disastrous Record on Gas Prices

WASHINGTON – Today, the Sentinel Action Fund (SAF), an independent conservative Super PAC and partner organization of Heritage Action for America, announced a new campaign ad against Senator Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.). The TV spot highlights Sen. Hassan’s long record of hurting American energy production and approving President Biden’s pro-inflation, anti-energy nominees and policies.

Jessica Anderson, President of Sentinel Action Fund, made the following statement:

For her entire tenure in the Senate, Senator Hassan has consistently voted to hurt American energy production, and Granite Staters are now paying the price of her failed policies at the pump. Between supporting Biden’s disastrous nominees, voting four times against the Keystone Pipeline, and sponsoring anti-drilling bills, Hassan hasn’t missed an opportunity to put American consumers and workers last.

As Biden’s poll numbers tank, Hassan is trying to distance herself from her buddy Biden, but the numbers tell a different story: she voted with Biden over 97% of the time. As a consequence of those votes, gas prices in New Hampshire this summer are up 60% from last summer. The Granite State can’t afford any more of Hassan and Biden’s policies – it’s time to vote her out in November.

The ad will run on broadcast television in Manchester, New Hampshire from July 17 to July 31 with a total spend of $300,000.

Excerpt from the 30-second ad:

[Biden] stopped drilling permits, closed refineries, killed the Keystone Pipeline, and Hassan voted for it all. Not shocking – she votes with Biden 97% of the time.

And what has their plan gotten you? Gas prices are skyrocketing, and it’s taking a bigger chunk out of your wallet. Just say no to Maggie and Joe.


  • Gas prices reached $5 and diesel cost more than $6 in June in New Hampshire, compared with $3 a year ago for both gas and diesel. According to the Senate Joint Economic Committee, prices in New Hampshire have gone up 11.1% since January 2021, costing the average household in the state over $700 per month, or $8500 per year.

  • Maggie Hassan voted for Jennifer Granholm for Secretary of Energy, Michael Regan as Administrator of the EPA, Gina Raimondo for Secretary of Commerce, and Debra Haaland as Secretary of the Interior.

  • Sentinel Action Fund previously announced seven-figure commitments in Georgia and Nevada for Senate and House races, and at least $1 million across four House races, all for general elections. Sentinel Action Fund launched its first ad on July 13, with a $400,000 TV ad campaign against Sen. Mark Kelly’s record on gas prices.