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Press Releases

September 20, 2022

NEW: AZ Senate Ad Buy Targets Swing Voters: "Mark Kelly Makes it Worse"

Today, the Sentinel Action Fund (SAF), an independent conservative Super PAC and partner organization of Heritage Action for America, launched a new campaign ad for the Arizona Senate race.

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September 12, 2022

The Sentinel Action Fund Announces $5 Million for Blake Masters in Independent Spending

The effort will spend $3.5 million on TV ads and $1.5 million on voter outreach through a state-of-the-art voter ground game.

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July 19, 2022

NEW: $300,000 Ad Buy Slams Maggie Hassan’s Disastrous Record on Gas Prices

The TV spot highlights Sen. Hassan’s long record of hurting American energy production and approving President Biden’s pro-inflation, anti-energy nominees and policies.

The ad will run on broadcast television in Manchester, New Hampshire from July 17 to July 31 with a total spend of $300,000.

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July 13, 2022

$400,000 Ad Slams Mark Kelly for Aiding Biden’s Gas-Price Disaster

The TV spot highlights Sen. Mark Kelly’s disastrous record of backing Biden’s war on American energy and approving his pro-inflation nominees.

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June 16, 2022

Sentinel Action Fund Endorses Nevada Conservatives Laxalt, Becker, and Peters; Announces Minimum $1 Million in Independent Spending

Today, the Sentinel Action Fund, an independent conservative Super PAC and partner organization of Heritage Action for America, announced endorsements of conservative Nevada candidates.

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